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Messages - Joe

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Just to let all OzSuper users know that a few changes have taken place with the appearance of OzSuper.

  • Rounded top page buttons
  • Dramatic background graphic

Although mostly cosmetic, the new look does progress the site into a more dramatic and visual experience.

Many changes are underway for the future, Stay tuned.

OzSuper comment / New improved shopping cart for
« on: April 08, 2010, 03:56:17 PM »
Announcing the availability of the new improved shopping cart at

This cart links into PayPal for a secure connection to either pay via your PayPal account or Credit card.

All OzSuper pages will now point to this location, for online customer payments. Check it out.

OzSuper comment / launch of new website :
« on: April 08, 2010, 03:52:37 PM »
Announcing the new website:

This is a related site to

It is marketing online management training. Go have a look see.

Couldn't wait for the even better version...

Full filtering on NEWS is now provided, either by YEAR or Year AND Category.


OzSuper comment / OzSuper NEWS items - now filtered by YEAR
« on: December 29, 2009, 03:47:24 PM »
Much needed improvement: The OzSuper news items are now being filtered by year. Previously the page size for this was way too large. Even now the current year query is a little slow on the detail page.

    News Summary......
    News Detail...........

This does not complete the improvements for NEWS items, But is certainly the first and biggest important step. Future enhancements, will allow for particular news types (as well as year) to be filtered. This will provide even smaller manageable pages.

Various categories of news items have also been brought up to date, with many news posting showing more current information.


The basic disclaimer applies for NEWs items (and all other information), that although accuracy and completeness is pursued, OzSuper can NOT guarantee the accuracy of any piece of information, and each investor is responsible to verify for themselves the information from others sources.

OzSuper comment / Various housekeeping tasks done.
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:46:12 PM »
Various tasks have been done to improve the OzSuper site:

  • SPAM Removed from this Forum, with many Users banned
  • Company pages have improved number format. Most notable is the commas within "Issued Shared" values. This large amount was very difficult to read previously.
  • Various News items have been updated, better linking between OLD and NEW ASX company codes (Tickers)
  • External verification sites have had links corrected, and new sites added for improved functionality.
  • WordPress Blog has been updated to the latest version
  • Options and Warrants on the Company pages have improved layout (cosmetic change only)

A number of further improvements will be made over the following month, so stay tuned.

OzSuper comment / Various SPAM messages taken to tidy up OzSuper Forum
« on: December 19, 2009, 03:18:42 PM »
Many spam postings have been removed with some users being banned from this site.
Apologies to all, for these posting.

OzSuper - Users need help / Company listing dates provided
« on: December 10, 2008, 03:36:20 PM »
Due to an interesting query from a client regarding a company listing that turned out to be a stale ASX pre-listed company from years ago... will now be quoting the listing dates for each company for both the ASX company and ISIN listings. This information will help to determine current from stale company listings.

for an example refer to:

These dates will continue to update as long as the listing appears on ASX listings.

OzSuper comment / SPAM measures taken
« on: November 17, 2008, 02:16:54 PM »
Due to a mass individual user registrations and posting of various SPAMs some drastic actions have been taken on this forum.

Recent new USERS have been DELETED. User security has been heightened, Activation is now required, not just register and post, as before.

For those users that have been registering themselves so SPAM advertising could be posted - GET LOST.

Further actions WILL be considered if SPAM continues to be attempted, Including life long bans.

OzSuper comment / OzSuper now on PHP v5
« on: October 28, 2008, 04:38:58 PM »
A note for the teckies.... The OzSuper site is now on PHP v5, as from yesterday.

Just a couple of hitches due to the word THIS becoming a reserved word.

Please be patient with any problems. Notify anything that looks sus. Any problems if undetected should be quick to resolve.

This change will not only ensure the site runs on the most current software, but also maintains the usage of all new functions and gadgets.

Oh yeah.

OzSuper comment / OzSuper now has Monthly & Yearly access products
« on: October 23, 2008, 09:51:22 AM »
OzSuper has had only a once off fee in the past.

The good news is that the site now offers MONTHLY and YEARLY access.
Simply refer to the site shopping cart to access pricing details.


Cool one.

OzSuper comment / Site access fee - PRICE MARK DOWN - NOW AVAILABLE
« on: October 14, 2008, 02:05:06 PM »
Good sold price reduction has taken place. For site access to
Please refer to the site shopping cart

This price may not last while site undergoes a reveiw to balance financials with functionality Stay tuned for further possible functionality improvements.

OzSuper comment / Price data feeds resume - improving OzSuper
« on: July 11, 2008, 12:54:02 AM »
The daily price datafeeds have now resumed on an automated basis and will now improve the timeliness of the OzSuper statistics. All figures should be updated late each evening (Sydney Australia time).

With dependable and relyable updates OzSuper traders will benefit.

OzSuper comment / Syntax problem on global Email button corrected
« on: June 24, 2008, 03:38:12 PM »
A syntax error for the global email button has now been corrected.
The error prevented the correct population of the generated email message fields.

Also the destination email <TO> address has been changed to clear spammer content.

Problem corrected after some investigation. RANKs have been recalculated.

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