Extreme ASX FORM

Collection of parameters for reporting on way extreme ASX stocks.
Number of days ago: Normally 0 to 10 trading days ago. Allows a past report to be generated.
Number of days to report: Normally 1 to 30 trading days for report inclusion. The timespan the report will cover.
Growth % threshold: Normally a high RANK% of 95-100%. Stocks with a RANK% equal to or greater than this will be reported.
Loss % threshold: Normally a low RANK% of 0-5%. Stocks with a RANK% equal to or less than this will be reported.
Hit threshold: Normally a value of 1 or 2. Meaning that the stock must be within range this many times within the time period.
ASX Company codes (Tickers): (Optional) Rather than a full DB scan, if tickers are pasted in, only those specified will be processed.

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