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Canada Corporations Act, [R.S. 1970, c. C-32] >> 101. Consideration...
...fully paid shares to be cash or fair equivalent of cash 101. (1) The directors of a public company shall not authorize the issue and...
share market definitions
Equity capital Equity Funding Equity Interests Equity Security Equivalent Fully Paid Shares on Issue Equivalent Fully Paid Weighted Average...
4. Data Tables - FB Supp 2004c.xls
...the weighted average number of equivalent fully paid shares on issue during the year, diluted for options and convertible securities on issue.
Glossary of sharemarket terms
...equity interests ... equity security ... equity warrants ... equivalent fully paid shares on issue ... equivalent fully paid weighted average...
Apex Minerals - Corporate
733,755 fully paid shares on issue all of which are quoted. In addition, there are also 20,348,750 20 cent shares ... resources of an equivalent
MRC asx 26/4/01 Stanton Letter
...shares (equivalent to 3,795,000 ... pre -reconstructed ordinary fully paid shares on issue in the Company. The significant fully paid
Re Ranger Minerals Ltd; Ex Parte Ranger Minerals Ltd [2002] WASC 207...
...of shares on issue. There were 117,723,784 ordinary fully paid shares on issue and 9,165,000 options on issue at ... there is no date
Microsoft Word - December 2003 - Highlights.doc
Fully Paid Shares fully paid shares at an issue price of 2 cents each - the issue of 6,500,000 Fully Paid Shares ... of ordinary shares equivalent
-Announcement & Resumption of Trading(2) HK$10,000,000. At the time
...and issuing to the Vendors an aggregate of 900,000,000 fully-paid Consideration Shares at an issue price of $0.02 each, equivalent to a total...
Total fully paid Shares on issue upon completion of the Offer1 122.4 million to 120.3 million ... Minimum allocation of Shares equivalent to 30% of
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