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franked dividend
...franked dividend see dividend dividend imputation...

Franked Dividend
Stock Ideas Newsletters Corporate Franked Dividend. An arrangement in Australia that elimintates the double taxation of dividends.

Franked Dividend
Glossary - "Franked Dividend" Definition...

Argo cautious on market outlook
...a fully franked interim dividend of 11 per share for the six months ending December 31, 2005. It declared a 10 per share interim dividend in...

Alumina Second-Half Net Rises 1.7 Percent, Higher Costs Offset Price...
...franked dividend of 10 cents a share, taking it up to 20 cents for the year, unchanged from 2004. It expects to maintain that franked dividend...

Advent declares fully franked dividend - Breaking News -...
Investment company Advent has declared a fully franked dividend of 30 cents a share with a total amount of $6.4 million to be paid to shareholders. -

"Franked Dividend" Definition
Dictionary - "Franked Dividend" Definition...

A dividend on which the tax has been fully paid at the company rate is known as a fully franked dividend, and attached to the dividend is a...

Franked Dividend: Information From
Franked Dividend An arrangement in Australia that elimintates the double taxation of dividends. Dividends are dispersed with tax imputations attached...

Advent declares fully franked dividend - Breaking News -
Investment company Advent has declared a fully franked dividend of 30 cents a share with a total amount of $6.4 million to be paid to shareholders. -

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