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Anomolies in 1990 BNZ Audit
The auditors had a duty to check whether any post balance date events should be declared.
CENTRO.com.au :: Corporate Profile
...to 15.1% at year end after the capital raising in June, however, after several post balance date events, increases to 30.9%, comfortably at...
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
...the publication of the Company's annual results which omitted any reference to the advances to Mutual Well and JQK as post-balance date events.
Scorecard is based on companies' reported results to June 30 2001, the US terrorist events mean post-balance-date trends are more important...
Stock Trading OzSuper - POST-BALANCE-DATE EVENTS information
POST-BALANCE-DATE EVENTS information, Stock Trading! Every company rated each day -- tagged with a percentage rank value for it's daily ON-market...
Finance Brief 18
Accounting Policies. Errors. Presentation of Financial Statements. Events post balance date. Discontinued Operations. Materiality. ...
Accounting for Appropriations
AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Policies Errors Presentation of Financial Statements Events post balance date Discontinued Operations...
For more information on the postponed rights issue, see the section entitled Events Post Balance Date.
FaCS Annual Report 2002-03
Events occurring after balance date for the year ended 30 June 2003: There were no post balance date events. back to top...
01 02 that discussion? 03 A. I can't tell you.
06 07 Q. Do you recall at that meeting, any reference being made 08 to post balance date events in the context of the 09 discussion of the...
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