Non-Current Assets

A. Types of Assets

Asset type Term used for cost allocation Methods of cost allocation
1. Land Remains at historical cost until sold None
2. "Fixed Assets" (Buildings, equipment) Depreciation Straight -line

Unit of Output (a variation of straight-line)

Declining balance method

Sum of the years digit method

3. Intangible Assets Amortization Straight-line
4. Natural resources Depletion Unit of output


B. Determination of the Cost of Assets

Basic rule: All costs required to acquire the asset and to place it in service.

This includes all acquisition costs, costs needed to modify the asset for its intended use and any installation costs. for example:

Acquisition costs Modification Costs Installation costs
Purchase price

Transfer fees

Sales commission

Freight charges

Modification to equipment

Remodeling (of a building)

Modification to the building specifically for a piece of equipment (add to cost of equipment)

Basic installation

Testing of equipment


Assets that are "self constructed" or developed internally:

For self-constructed assets, the cost of the asset consists of material, labor and overhead plus any avoidable interest incurred during construction.

Most of the cost of internally developed intangible assets (goodwill, patents, etc.) with the exception of legal costs (filing fees for patent application, legal fees to defend a patent, etc. are normally expensed under FAS 2. Exception: