Author Topic: 2005-04-03 Serious site outage  (Read 4053 times)

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2005-04-03 Serious site outage
« on: April 04, 2005, 03:23:38 AM »
:cry: OzSuper has had serious site outage over the past couple of days. The issue is being looked into. The pages have been off the air. The web server machine has needed to be rebuilt on multiple occassions. The pages are currently online. But data is a few days out of date.

This will corrected as soon as possible. Please be patient with us, and come back soon.

Regards, The management.


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System outage resolved
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 05:22:09 AM »
:D  Seems all issues arising from recent system outage have been resolved.


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Even more serious system outage, but now the good news...
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2005, 12:07:21 PM »
:(  Web hosting problems, have caused OzSuper to be off the air, suspended, broken, stuffed.

 :oops: Web hosting service has been changed, with OzSuper being restored, reconfigured etc etc. Various sub systems coming back online, with little now left broken. Further work is ongoing.

 :D The good news, is the new service provides more capacity, better support, further room for growth. You know the deal, getting better, getting better, wait for it.... soon, even better.

Regards,   The management


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Site nearly back to normal...
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2005, 04:18:11 PM »
:lol: OzSuper is now finally back in business. The oustanding task is to catch up with the most recent end of day prices.

After that we will resume with functional improvments for the benefit of members.

Thank you all for your understanding. Remember we are all now on a better footing for future growth and development.

The management.


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Prices + Fundatmental updated
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2005, 02:51:39 AM »
:!: Daily End of Day prices and Company Fundamental Data brought up to date for every company page.

eg: AMP Company page... back on track. Enjoy.

... The Management.