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SPRINT PCS - cell phone bill not payable!
SPRINT PCS - cell phone bill not payable!

Bills payable - Definition of Bills payable by Webster Dictionary
Definition of Bills payable ... the outstanding unpaid notes or acceptances made and issued by an individual or firm. - Wharton. See also: Bill...

Bills of Exchange Act, [R.S. 1985, c. B-4] >> 21. Bill payable to...
Bills of Exchange Act. PART II BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Form and Interpretation of Bill. Bill payable to order...

Bills of Exchange Act, [R.S. 1985, c. B-4] >> 29. Undated bill...
29. Where a bill expressed to be payable at a fixed period after date is issued undated, or where the acceptance of a bill payable at sight or at dictionary :: bill payable in one month :: English-German...
English-German translation for bill payable in one month in the online dictionary dictionary :: bill payable :: English-German translation
English-German translation for bill payable in the online dictionary

Kreditprombank - Making a bill payable at bank
Syndicated lending. Venture investments. Making a bill payable at bank | Collateral acceptance | Discount | Making a bill payable at bank...

MSN Encarta - Dictionary - sight draft
...noun ... Definitions: U.S. bill payable on demand: a written order for the payment of money that is payable upon presentation...

Untitled Document
Bill payable definition...

MSN Encarta - Dictionary - domiciled bill
...noun ... Definitions: bill payable in particular place: an invoice that must be paid at a particular place...

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