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Gearing Ratio and Interest Cover Ratio - Notes - Business Accounts -...
(type=long) Explains the interest cover and gearing ratios.

Gearing Ratio [Virtual Learning Arcade]
(type=long) An explanation of how the gearing ratio is calculated as part of the ratio analysis simulation in the Virtual Learning Arcade.

Emerson Power Transmission
EPT is a producer of power transmission drives, components, and bearings.

Tutorial on accounting ratios
...activity | gearing | liquidity | profitability. LIQUIDITY RATIOS ... Gearing ratios, which in American parlance would be referred to as

IPY: International Polar Year
IPY-relevant Dates and Deadlines...

Howstuffworks "How Gears Work"
Gears are a fundamental part of just about any mechanical object -- if it has a motor, engine or spring, it probably has gears! Learn dozens of...

Muzzy Broad Heads
Ginger and Jesse Morehead have begun their 2005 Muzzy Tour Schedule. Come on out and visit with America's favorite bowhunting couple!

Swampworks Home Page
PROCEED..... to the rest of our website and ONLINE CATALOG. Click Here......

Gears by The Gear Works - gearbox repair, gears, planetary gears,
Gears, gear repair and rebuild information for industrial gears, marine gears, manufacturing, mining and custom applications. We also have our own...

Gearing and transmission solutions by Philadelphia Gear
Philadelphia Gear is a full-service provider of gearing and power transmission solutions, joining innovative engineering with a century of experience...

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