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Gold Futures and commodity market news. Breaking financial news is brought to you Courtesy of TFC Commodity Charts. News headlines from around the...

Gold ends at $557 a 25-year high ... COMEX (Jan 13) -- Gold futures climbed by more than 1% during a holiday-shortened trading session Friday to...

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Articles, journals, e-books, study guides, working papers and internships from the Austrian school of economics.

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Information on copper futures, gold futures, and silver futures markets.

Gold Futures and Options Trading Information
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Quotes, charts and news for the futures, commodities, options and foreign exchange markets.

RPT - Gold futures retreat, but still ends higher on week
RPT - Gold futures retreat, but still ends higher on week 02.05.2006, 02:34 AM (Repeating for technical reasons) SAN FRANCISCO (AFX) - Gold futures

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