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Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights...
Countries Issues International Law Human Rights Bodies About OHCHR. Highlights High Commissioner for Human Rights...

American Civil Liberties Union
Advocating individual rights by litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom.

Center for Individual Rights
A National Non-profit organization supported by the Boston Church. This organization addresses issues that revolve around the First admendment.

Human Rights Internet
Provides human rights publications, information on children's rights and the UN human rights system, and listing of human rights organizations...

ARK On-Line Feature Stories
Portal includes news and information about animal rights issues.

The Human Rights Web Home Page
Human Rights Legal and Political Documents. United Nations Documents Other Documents Human Rights Issues, Debates, and Discussions...

Urgent action to protect life of Malayalam writer and eminent...
...a group of writers and social activists headed by eminent Malayalam author Paul Zacharia and Human Rights activist Mr. Mukundan C. Menon...

ABC News: Saudis Rank Lowest in Women's Rights Issues
Saudis Rank Lowest in Women's Rights Issues...

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
Contains a large collection of international human rights treaties, instruments, general comments, recommendations, decisions, and views of treaty...

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